17 days ago

Shipping Update 03.01.2025


1. Alert for Tracking Event Sync Monitoring
  • Automated Sync Check: The system now checks the last event sync time and ensures it is within 5 minutes.
  • Alert and Resync: If the sync delay exceeds 5 minutes, an alert email is sent, and the pending events are automatically resent to Shipping.
  • Pending Events Check: Additional checks identify if any events are waiting to be synced, ensuring no data is missed.
2. Queue Rescheduling for Tracking Events
  • Efficient Rescheduling: When resending tracking events to Shipping, the process is optimised to prevent delays in syncing other customers' tracking events.
  • Past Event Queuing: If an API account is disabled and re-enabled after 1 day or more, tracking events are queued separately to maintain workflow integrity.