27 days ago

Shipping Update (24.01.2025)

  • Authentication Information Update for Tracking:
    Authentication information changes will now be automatically shared with Tracking for API-supported accounts, ensuring synchronisation and seamless tracking.
  • Amazon "LabelType" Parameter:
    A new courier-specific field, "labeltype," has been added to Amazon Shipping integrations. Customers can now define the value for "LabelType" to be sent to Amazon when creating labels.
  • UPS V2 Integration Update:
    For UPS V2 integrations, the label creation logic has been updated to send the county as an empty string if it is not defined by customers in their shipment creation requests.
  • Resolved Archive Job Failures:
    Archive job failures have been addressed by increasing the number of processors and reducing the archiving job interval from 10 minutes to 5 minutes for faster and more reliable processing.