23 days ago

Shipping Update (25.08.2024)

New Features

  • We now support the ability to submit 10 label requests at a time asynchronously speeding up batch creation of labels 10 fold. The code is the same as the current batch creation but we have a new endpoint at api/couriers/v1/bulk/create-label-async
  • We now support sending the phone number to Correos for SMS, this will be set to false as standard and can be enabled as true in the courier specifics.
  • In Smart Shipping we have added a new option to the Value variable allowing you to choose between value per parcel or total value of shipment to apply to your Smart rules.
  • We now support manifest creation for Huxloe specifically for shipments via Royal Mail with them.
  • If you set an address in your Shipping account as default and your api request to us has a blank ship_from address and format_address_default is true we will use the address saved in your account settings.
  • Using the test courier you can now within the GUI simulate tracking events and trigger web hooks from the shipments table using the hamburger menu.
  • You can now recreate a packing slip or commercial invoice from the hamburger menu in the shipments table via the GUI or you can use api calls to do the same as detailed in the API documentation.
New Courier

  • We have added the courier called Zedify to support their services across all of their depots in the UK. Zedify are a zero emissions courier operating across select cities in the UK to offer same day, next day and economy services.