Billing Update (30.01.2024)

New Features

We have released the ability in Billing API to set a minimum quantity for recurring charge rules. This is particularly useful for storage charges where a customer needs to be billed for a minimum number of pallet spaces regardless of how many pallet spaces currently have a SKU in the location. 

2. We have added a GET Quote call to Billing API to allow a customer to make an API call and get access to a list of services and pricing from Billing API for a particular data set. The body is the same as a create label call and the URL to access the call is
You will require 3 headers to make the call work which are:
client_name : the name of the business in Billing API
customer_dc_id: the dc id of the customer from the customer record
customer_key: a new field contained in the customer record

An example of the response you could expect is below

        "service_code": "YODEL-2VSN",
        "service_name": "Yodel Xpect Mini 48",
        "courier": "Yodel",
        "price": {
            "shipping": [
            "surcharges": [
            "picking": 0,
            "parcel_rules": [
            "packaging_charges": [],
            "total": 3
        "service_code": "DPD-12",
        "service_name": "DPD Next Day",
        "courier": "DPD",
        "price": {
            "shipping": [
            "surcharges": [
            "picking": 0,
            "parcel_rules": [
            "packaging_charges": [],
            "total": 5