V1.10.2.1 Update (24.04.2024)

New Features:
  • Future dates can now be selected in the sales channel under the "Ignore Orders Before" setting.
  • Failed fulfillment will automatically be resent to the related sales channels every morning for three days to ensure no data sync is missed.
  • We now support the Shopify Pickup Order flow. You can mark your pickup orders as "Ready for Pickup" and "Picked Up" using Channels.
  • We have added a new plugin rule, "Multiply Line Items," which multiplies the line item quantities by the entered multiplier. This allows TikTok channel users to use the "Buy One, Get One" campaign without creating a campaign on TikTok.
  • A new plugin "rule execution step" setting has been added, allowing you to adjust when the rules should apply to your orders.
  • Now, you can search for your order by the line item SKUs to list orders that include a specific product.
  • Manual Channels now support syncing main product stock levels with the channel product stock levels.
  • Hosted Pages now support dark mode. Simply switch on Dark Mode under the hosted pages settings.
  • Hosted Pages can now allow you to hide your logo if you choose not to add a logo to your hosted pages.
  • Users can now disable webhooks for all their stores with a single switch under Company Settings.
  • Channel and Main products can now be deleted individually or in bulk.

Bug Fixes:
  • Manual Channels now have logs and activities working properly.
  • The Shopify channel's connect button is now functional.
  • The Whistl Plugin Fulfillment Data retrieval issue has been fixed.