Orders (Warehousing Start Up)
V192 (22/10/2024)
- Shipping rules can now be assigned to the manual sales channel.
- Warning now displayed on the batch history page when bulk cancelling labels, about not leaving the page until complete.
- Change to API quoting logic.
Orders (Warehousing Start Up)
Orders (Warehousing Start Up) 05.09.2024
- UI Dimensions over 1000 is now visible on the inventory data page, after page refresh.
- Order imports, saved mapping now saves the HS Code field for new saved mappings
New Features
- New setting to choose what name is used for order products at order import from sales channels, channel product name or system product name.
- On the shipment page a new column has been added for tracking code, and the tracking link and code are included in the shipments export.